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grew up on my parent’s Tennis

Guest Ranch in the mountains of South Eastern Arizona. When I was 5 years old, my older sister Leigh went off to 1st grade. Being quite independent by nature, and not to be outdone by my sister’s new adventure, I’d pack a lunch, saddle Two Spot, my old cow pony and ride off into the mountains bordering Mexico for as long as 5 hours.

laine Lewis, then the local

Brand Inspector, was fond of telling the story of coming over a rise and seeing me, a 5-year-old girl, sitting under an oak tree with her horse tied to the branches. He asked, "What in the world are you doing up here, little girl?" According to Blaine, I indignantly replied, "I’m having lunch."

was among the first women

to join both the Santa Barbara Polo Club and Will Rogers Polo Club in Los Angeles. The sport of polo demands a unique combination of skills. Horsemanship is 75% of the game with hitting ability and chess-like strategy making up the balance.

hen a friend handed me a

polo mallet back in 1976, I was still at my college job as Tennis Pro at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Polo was easier for me to learn than most, since it is a combination of tennis, riding stock and jumping horses. When a player didn’t show at Will Rogers, someone stuck a helmet on my head and put me in the game, and I was hooked.